Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bennett Elijah

June 16th will be three years since I welcomed Bennett into the world, and it will be three years June 17th since I held him while he took his final breath. It has taken me time to find the courage to share Bennett's story, for many reasons, most of which stem from my own fears of the reactions that I might recieve. Friday I had the opportunity to meet an amazing woman, Heather Walker, who through her journey with her Anencephaly Angel Grayson James Walker, has inspired so many people, even me. I was reminded that God has a plan for every life, no matter how short the time spent here on Earth, and that Bennett's light needs to shine! God gave him to me, as my perfect gift. Now it's my turn to let him be a gift to others; a gift to remind us of God's unfailing love, his enduring grace and never ending forgiveness.


  1. So glad you're sharing!! Can't wait to read your posts!! Such a strong thing to do by sharing his story

  2. ((TEARS)) =") That was absolutely beautiful <3
    Beautiful words spoken from a true angel mommy.. An explainable love felt like no other.. a mother's love.. a love for her angel <3 how beautiful how innocent how to cure and free.. special my knees are chosen for special angel babies <3 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family =") May god be with you and bless you
